We’ve all heard by now that our skin is the largest organ of our bodies and that much of what we put on the skin gets absorbed right into the bloodstream. So it’s in our best interest to only use products that are safe and natural when grooming. Cleaning up your beauty routine is an ongoing process that can be easy and fun!
Educate yourself about what ingredients to use and which to avoid.
Large beauty corporations are paying their marketing geniuses big bucks to get you to choose their products. Don’t be fooled by the fancy green packaging or the big natural words on the bottle. You’ll even see some smaller businesses using the same tactics, as well as questionable ingredients.
The only way to know what you’re truly getting is to read the labels and understand each ingredient. Look to sites that you can trust like anbPortal.com and EWG.org to determine what constitutes safe and natural ingredients. Aubrey Hampton’s Natural Organic Hair and Skin Care and Dr. Samuel Epstein’s Safe Shopper’s Bible are two good books to bring with you to the brick and mortar stores.
Slowly work natural alternatives into your life and onto your shelves.
I’ve had people write to me and say that the light just suddenly went on for them and they spent the entire weekend removing everything that resembled toxic beauty products from their bathroom shelves. But this can be costly, and exhausting. Instead, work in new products as you can afford them and do a thorough investigation on what will work for you.
I believe the best place to buy your products right now is online. This is where you can find fresh products that can be shipped right to your door. Do your research and learn which companies are making their products for the right reasons. I find that the companies that share all of their ingredients on their websites are likelier to have nothing to hide. You’ll also know exactly what you’re getting. When a company lists ‘key ingredients’, they’re generally listing only the ones they want you to know about. Once you get to know your ingredients you’ll see right through those that have jumped on the natural bandwagon to make a quick buck.
“Let thy food be thy beauty care and thy beauty care be thy fun”
is my new motto (with a little help from Hippocrates). You probably have a beauty feast going on in your kitchen and don’t even realize it. All-natural beauty care doesn’t need to be expensive or time-consuming.
For example, at breakfast time, take those used coffee grounds and mix them with a little Sunflower or Olive oil and give yourself a cellulite exfoliating treatment during your shower (Dr. Oz says that caffeine is one of the few things that actually works to reduce cellulite). Likewise, save a little of your cooked oatmeal to apply the same day as your facial treatment. Mix in some Honey and voila, you’ve got a first class softening, hydrating mask. Need a quick body scrub? Take your carrier oil (Almond, Jojoba, etc…) and mix it with some Almond meal or salt. Beauty care doesn’t have to be expensive to be effective. Be creative and have fun.
There’s more to all-natural beauty care than just masks and scrubs.
True beauty also comes from good living. Of course a healthy lifestyle that includes exercise, plenty of rest and proper nutrition is imperative to looking and feeling good. But what is equally important is the quality of our lives. Being good to others, being positive and taking time out to enjoy life fully is nourishing to the soul. A happy healthy soul is an important part of being a natural beauty.
Sharon Houghton
Sharon is an author & licensed esthetician living in Pennsylvania. She has merged her love of natural beauty and wellness into a web enterprise, inspiring others to go the all-natural way whenever possible.
Sharon Houghton
Sharon is an author & licensed esthetician living in Pennsylvania. She has merged her love of natural beauty and wellness into a web enterprise, inspiring others to go the all-natural way whenever possible.