Take Yourself to the Islands with this special type of Skin Therapy...
Skin To Skin Mask
A Great Start! - Try this recipe before adding your nutritious masks
Living in the islands I
Kiwi is high in Vitamin C and has enzymatic and detergency properties, making it helpful for skin and hair preparations. This homemade facial cleanser recipe works well for dry or
Clay/Seaweed Facial Mask
- 4 T Facial dry Clay
- 1 tsp. Kelp powder (Nereocystis leutkeana)
Add small amount of warm water, (enough to make a not too runny paste).
Apply thinly to face,
Avocado Carrot Cream Mask
This mask combines avocados, which are rich in Vitamin E, with carrots, which are high in beta-carotene and antioxidants, and cream, which is high in calcium and
1/4 Cup Yogurt
3 T Honey
3 T Puréed Pumpkin OR
3 T Puréed Carrots
To Make:
Use canned (nothing added), or slightly-cooked pumpkin or carrots. Drain, and purée in a blender. Pour into a
1 T Marigold flowers
1 T Chamomile flowers
1/2 C Water
Almond oil, as much as is necessary
1 T Carrots, well-mashed
1 T Lecithin granules
1 tsp. Wheat germ oil
Quantity: 1-2 masks
To Make:
Bring water
Cucumis sativus
A vegetable used for it's cooling and astringent properties. Try a couple of slices for your tired eyes.
- 1 medium Cucumber, peeled and cut up into pieces
1 Peach
4 drops tincture of Benzoin (known to be STRONG sensitizer)
2 oz. coconut or sweet almond oil
1 1/2 oz. orange flower water and 1 or 2 drops orange oil
Wash, drain,
20 fl. oz. Almond oil
16 fl. oz. Rosewater to which have been added 1 oz. dried red Rose petals, this soaked for 3 days, then strained out and removed
3 oz.
It's always a great time to revamp your skin care routine! Here is a fantastic multi-purpose recipe that can be used as a facial cleanser, a face mask, a