Take Yourself to the Islands with this special type of Skin Therapy...
Skin To Skin Mask
A Great Start! - Try this recipe before adding your nutritious masks
Living in the islands I
What, pray tell, is juicier than love? Let’s give ourselves the benefit of the doubt that may be creeping around the corners of our hearts. Let’s think about
Did you know that our sense of smell is 10,000 times more sensitive than our sense of sight? What we smell affects our memory, our emotions and even our sexuality.
Cosmetics have come a long way from the days in which they were first created, when the Egyptians blended healing unguents and potions from the finest herbs and oils. Today,
What did the ancient Polynesians know about the sea and its healing properties? Long before the first European sea therapy center was instituted in 1899 by Dr. Louis Bougot in