"I LOVE the scent of Oranges and Cloves! The mixture of the two, perhaps along with a burning log or two in the fireplace, brings about a deep sense of
Many types of headaches are amenable to natural headache relief methods. Since the causes vary, the aromatherapy remedy will also vary.
Sinus Headaches:
We have found that a combination of several different
When a plant leaf or stem is torn, a clear liquid will come out. The plant releases this clear substance in order to clean the break, kill bacteria and start
CO2 Extracts for Perfumery & Skin Care
A Compilation of Data
Synopsis: CO2 Extract (Carbon dioxide extracts) are closer in composition to the oil as it occurs in the botanical plant than
Vanilla in all its forms is an essential ingredient in skin care, perfumery, culinary, and emotional needs. The following is Jeanne Rose’s profile of this essential plant.
Vanilla. Common Name/Latin Binomial:
Synopsis: An ambitious discussion of the essential oil of the grass Vetivert from the rootlets, its uses, growth, description, organoleptic qualities and uses of the essential oil.
A Vetivert basket
In the early part of 1996, while preparations were underway to produce the first World of Aromatherapy Conference as the President of NAHA, a fascinating letter arrived at my
What, pray tell, is juicier than love? Let’s give ourselves the benefit of the doubt that may be creeping around the corners of our hearts. Let’s think about
Does the thought of Valentine’s Day excite you or does it give you another big holiday headache?
Traditionally, Valentine’s Day is a day where lovers express their love for each other.
Did you know that our sense of smell is 10,000 times more sensitive than our sense of sight? What we smell affects our memory, our emotions and even our sexuality.