When you reminisce of holidays past, whether you realize it or not, the aromas come into your mind as well as the holiday experiences. I could go into the science
With the holiday season fast approaching, it's time to begin thinking about presents for those we care about! Having to go out and actually PURCHASE all these gifts can get
Take Yourself to the Islands with this special type of Skin Therapy...
Skin To Skin Mask
A Great Start! - Try this recipe before adding your nutritious masks
Living in the islands I
The hot days of summer.............they are here and they are sizzling!
What do you do to cool off? Jump in a pool, take a cold shower, drink iced cold iced tea?
1/4 Cup Yogurt
3 T Honey
3 T Puréed Pumpkin OR
3 T Puréed Carrots
To Make:
Use canned (nothing added), or slightly-cooked pumpkin or carrots. Drain, and purée in a blender. Pour into a
Use only dried materials.
1 oz. Orange peel, CS (Cut and Sifted)
1 oz. Orange flowers, WH (Whole)
1 oz. Lemon peel, CS
1 oz. Comfrey leaves, CS
Chamomile, WH
1 oz. Almond meal
Makes 6-12 baths.
1 T Marigold flowers
1 T Chamomile flowers
1/2 C Water
Almond oil, as much as is necessary
1 T Carrots, well-mashed
1 T Lecithin granules
1 tsp. Wheat germ oil
Quantity: 1-2 masks
To Make:
Bring water
Sweet, floral, fresh and clean citrus aromas remind me of Spring. With flowers budding and the arrival of some of my favorite fruits, this season brings to mind a time
Cucumis sativus
A vegetable used for it's cooling and astringent properties. Try a couple of slices for your tired eyes.
- 1 medium Cucumber, peeled and cut up into pieces