Essential oils can be your friend in the fight against acne. You can use them full strength or diluted with a carrier oil. Essential oils can be applied topically to relieve mild to moderate acne. When choosing an essential oil you must consider your skin type, the kind of acne you are dealing with, and whether or not the oil of your choice has to be diluted before use.
Some essential oils should not be used full strength and it is important to follow the indications from your source. Generally, the more sensitive your skin, the more diluted your oils should be. When using essential oils on the skin it is important to choose a good carrier oil that will not clog pores; Olive oil, Sunflower oil and grapeseed oil are excellent choices for the face. Some people suggest that essential oils can be a problem during pregnancy, even if they are applied to the skin; and one expert suggested that a consult should be done in homeopathic medicines before any pre-natal or post-natal use.
Essential oils can be very strong and should not be mistaken as “milder” skin care choices. As with any acne treatment, if a rash or irritation develops you should discontinue use immediately; if it persists you should see a doctor.
Acne Fighting Essential Oils & Blends
1) Tea Tree Oil/Palmarosa Oil (antibacterial, anti-yeast, antifungal)
Tea tree oil with Palmarosa is an excellent antibacterial treatment making it an excellent acne fighter as well as a general purpose wound cleaner. It helps soothe irritations, rashes and burns, control acne and dandruff, and treat warts and other fungal infections. The properties of these oils make it one of the best combination essential oils to have in your medicine cabinet. As an acne treatment, Tea Tree/Palmarosa oil is fast acting and acts to clear up the skin while calming the effected area.
2) Bergamot Oil/Lemon Oil (drying and smells good)
Bergamot oil has a revitalizing fragrance and it blends well with other oils making it an excellent addition to any acne treatment blend. Bergamot has antibacterial and drying properties making it an ideal spot treatment for existing blemishes. The citrus aroma has a calming effect on the mind and soul. Should not be used full strength except on the advice of a licensed homeopathic professional.
3) Clove Oil (antibacterial)
Clove oil is a very potent essential oil that has burning and purifying properties. In its pure form, it is very irritating and should be blended with other essential oils that contain alcohols such as Lavender or Bergamot oil and with a skin friendly carrier oil (like Olive or Jojoba oil) before being applied to the skin. Some devotees use it full strength as a spot treatment for stubborn acne, but this is not generally advised. When diluted, Clove oil can be applied to the skin to treat emerging or existing breakouts. It is very strong and acts very quickly. Should not be used full strength except on the advice of a licensed professional.
4) Lavender Oil /Sandalwood from Australia (soothing)
Lavender oil has well known soothing properties and is slightly antibacterial. Its scent is highly regarded and most acceptable. It is excellent as a preventative acne treatment that can stop future breakouts while clearing the redness often associated with acne prone skin. Some Lavender oil can be very strong and as with all essential oils, it should be diluted before application on the skin.
5) Rosemary Oil (Rosmarinus officinalis CT verbenone) (antifungal) with Frankincense
This highly aromatic essential oil is excellent for people with oily skin. When applied topically it helps reduce sebum production thus limits breakouts associated with oily skin. Not recommended for those with very dry or sensitive skin. The drying properties of this oil make it an excellent spot treatment that can be applied throughout the day to effected areas.
Source: Jeanne Rose has developed a wonderful aromatherapy kit for skin care and women’s needs. We call it the Women’s Aromatherapy Kit. You can find it at the website http://www.jeannerose.net.
Author: Jeanne Rose is the first person to write about herbs and aromatherapy and to teach these subjects. She is the founder of New Age Creations, the first body-care company in the United States to use aromatherapy (since 1967) based on the formulas she invented and used in The Herbal Body Book; she is the Director of both the Herbal Studies Course and the Aromatherapy Studies Course by home-study and with in-person Seminars. See http://www.jeannerose.net. She brings 39 years of experience and personal research in her practice of Aromatherapy. She is the author of over 20 books on herbs and aromatherapy, including a home-study course in herbs and one in aromatherapy, and can be reached at info@Jeannerose.net.
Essential Oil Kits & Books • Aromatic and Herbal Education – Healing Information and Distillation •
• PH 415-564-6785 / FAX 415-564-6799
• http://www.JeanneRose.net
• http://www.CopperStills.com
• http://www.aromaticplantproject.com
• http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/jeannerosenews/
- Education
- Books
- Courses
Ms. Rose is the author of over 20 books, including Herbs & Things, The Herbal Body Book, The Aromatherapy Book, and Jeanne Rose’s Herbal Guide to Food, and she has taught herbs, aromatherapy and distillation extensively throughout the U.S. She organized and was President of the first large Aromatherapy organization in the United States, NAHA, and speaks widely at many other events and conferences. She teaches distillation techniques for quality essential oils throughout various parts of the world. The word, ‘hydrosol’ as used for the waters of distillation, was first used and put in place by Jeanne Rose in 1990.

Aromatherapy Classes,
Certification Weekends and Seminars
taught in person by Jeanne Rose
ENROLL NOW – Visit http://jeannerose.net/calendar.html
or call 415-564-6337 or email aromaticplant@yahoo.com
Enrollment limited.
Seminars are valid for 15 CE and towards Practitioner Certification

Jeanne Rose is the author of 22 books on herbs and aromatherapy. Most recently, Jeanne authored “375 Essential Oils & Hydrosols” which is a complete reference book of 375 aromatic plant extracts and hydrosols with phytochemical, clinical and botanical indices.
She has released several booklets since 2006.

Jeanne Rose is the Director of the Institute of Aromatic Studies, principal tutor of both the Herbal Studies Course© and the Aromatherapy Studies Course – Practitioner© by Distance-study and Aromatherapy Course by home-study.
Learn more about the 3 types of home studies courses:
The Aromatherapy Course
– Home and Family©
– Practitioner
Ms. Rose is the author of over 20 books, including Herbs & Things, The Herbal Body Book, The Aromatherapy Book, and Jeanne Rose’s Herbal Guide to Food, and she has taught herbs, aromatherapy and distillation extensively throughout the U.S. She organized and was President of the first large Aromatherapy organization in the United States, NAHA, and speaks widely at many other events and conferences. She teaches distillation techniques for quality essential oils throughout various parts of the world. The word, ‘hydrosol’ as used for the waters of distillation, was first used and put in place by Jeanne Rose in 1990.