This time of year can cause many people to feel overwhelmed, overwrought and overworked. The stress of being pulled in so many directions with so much to do before the holidays can make one’s nerves frazzled and one’s mind overloaded. Your To-Do List is 5 times longer than usual, and any down time for yourself seems like months away.
Aromatherapy to the rescue!
Aromatherapy at this time of year is a must if you want to keep your mind and body in a calmer state. For instance, research has shown that lavender essential oil produces calming, soothing and sedative effects when it is inhaled. Lavender has helped with ailments such as anxiety, depression, fatigue and insomnia. I will never forget how calm I felt when I first inhaled lavender when I was suffering from anxiety. I felt the calmness immediately and have been incorporating aromatherapy into my daily routine ever since.
Here is a Calming Mind essential oil blend you can use to create a massage oil, use in a bath, or as an anointing oil to use in meditation or any other sacred ritual:
Lavender 9 drops
Palmarosa 6 drops
Ylang ylang 3 drops
How to Use
Add a total of 9-15 drops of the Calming Mind blend to a dark amber bottle with a flip or screw cap. Then add 1 ounce of carrier such as jojoba or sesame or sweet almond oil to fill the rest of the bottle and shake well. You have just created your very own aromatherapy massage oil to use to hydrate your body after you bathe, and also to massage your hands and feet at night before you go to bed to help you experience a good nights sleep.
You can also use the massage oil you created as a bath oil. Add about 1 tablespoon of the oil to warm bath water and swish it around before entering the tub. Now you have created a sacred scented bath to calm your mind and body.
And lastly, you can use this blend to anoint points on your body. For instance, you can massage a drop on your Third Eye Chakra which is located between your eyebrows before you meditate. You an also use anointing as a sacred ritual you do before you start your day and when you end your day before you go to sleep.
All these ways of using aromatherapy have you enter your body because you are using some of your 5 senses. Using your senses brings you into the present moment where anxiety and stress have a hard time existing.
When you are present, you are in the Now tending to your needs in a mindful way. This is the key to reducing stress, anxiety and overwhelm.