A Day with Rosemary…
I was recently privileged to attend a daylong seminar with the legendary herbalist, author and teacher, Rosemary Gladstar. Honestly, I would have gone no matter what lessons
During the last several years, I have received several phone calls regarding the distillation of essential oil plants. People are intrigued with the idea of distillation and decide they want
The air was crisp and the leaves were a kaleidoscope of colors this weekend (October 19th, 2013). It created the perfect backdrop for an event that absolutely rocked my world,
Aromatherapy is the use of the scent of plants and particularly their essential oils in healing. The effects of the aroma on the human body are two-fold. They are effective
A new year is filled with plenty of well intended resolutions; typical ones that may include quitting smoking, exercising to lose weight, paying off credit cards and so on. While
Walk into the beauty section of any department store today and you’ll find a dizzying array of soaps, for every possible purpose and in every conceivable size, shape,
Once the heat of summer arrives here in Michigan, my deck is filled with potted flowers, plants, and oh yes, a bunch of canning jars filled with herbs infusing themselves
Hydrosols are the real aromatherapy. They can also be considered the homeopathy of aromatherapy; as herbs are to homeopathy, so are essential oils to hydrosols. Hydrosols represent the true synergy